Damien has a knack for crafting authentic performances to deliver film, television and commercial content which harnesses the comedic, the serious and everything in between. His work demonstrates a clear passion for evoking narrative drama to engage and to entertain audiences, no matter the platform. An Australian Directors’ Guild Award winner for his short Lowering Awareness. his work includes the TV pilot, Town Centre, the short films, Finding Oprah Winfrey, Aussie Idol and the ASTRA-award-nominated comedy reality series MTV Style Me.

If you could find anything at sea, what would it be?
A Commodore 64 with the original Labyrinth: The Computer Game (1986)


Find out more

If you are interested in any of our Directors, please contact Found At Sea:

Suite 4, 535 Crown St, Surry Hills 2010
T: +61 2 9199 8009
E: production@foundatsea.co