Paroo Kangaroo | Vic’s Premium Quality Meat
The most sustainable meat around.
On the dusty plains of Broken Hill, Found At Sea Films had the rare opportunity to tell the story of one of Vic’s Premium Quality Meat’s most unique suppliers.
In the 21st century, industries of the past are being reimagined. The meat industry is no different. In Australia, a rare opportunity exists to transform the meat industry by switching from traditional livestock animals to one much closer to home: the kangaroo.
Capturing the beauty of the outback landscape and the genuine perspectives of those involved in the kangaroo meat supply chain, we produced an informative, documentary-style piece to present, in a positive light, the emerging role kangaroo meat is playing in the increasingly challenged meat production industry.
Paroo Kangaroo by Found At Sea
It’s not every day you get the opportunity to spend a week in the Australian desert learning about one of the country’s most sustainable food sources. Some might find it a challenge, however, to realise that sustainable food source is, in fact, the kangaroo, arguably the most beloved Australian animal. Vic’s Premium Quality Meats wanted to present the otherwise confronting prospect of Kangaroo meat in a balanced and educational format to reach out to their key audiences of specialist food services and fine dining providers.
We were engaged to build a documentary filmmaking team and get on the road from Broken Hill to Adelaide to document the hunting, traceability and processing of kangaroo meat. Over the course of the project, we spent nights out under the stars and hot days covering hundreds and hundreds of kilometres surrounded on all sides by red earth, endless blue skies and a desert more fertile than most people would ever realise.
To capture the story, we travelled with 2 Canon C300 cameras, a complete canon lens kit, plus a dedicated audio recording set-up, two drones, DSLRs for simultaneous time-lapse capture and a road case with lights and tripods for interviews. Shoots like these the days are long, with dawn and dusk crucial to the atmosphere of the footage we capture. Ultimately, we produced a piece which shines a light on a well-developed and ethically responsible industry still with many opportunities to grow.
Client: Vic’s Premium Quality meat
Producer/Director: Dan Trotter
DOP: Dan Young-Whitforde
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Suite 4, 535 Crown St, Surry Hills 2010
T: +61 2 91 99 80 09